We back all products and installation with a 10-year product warranty and 1-year installation warranty.
This changes everything.
Tiled showers are elegant and easy to maintain when correctly installed. Vast arrays of pleasing colors, designs, and shapes offer decorators virtually endless choices to enhance the aesthetics of entire bathrooms. Tiling also permits flexibility when installing the latest features, such as benches, niches, windows, multiple shower heads, and steam units.
Custom EPS White Matter ® products make shower installation easier than ever, ensuring long-lasting beauty and superb value for investment. Now there are no limits to what you can envision and achieve!
Visit http://customeps.com or view White Matter ® photos on Houzz.
With our patented system, we can replace costly and labour intensive mud beds (mortar beds) with a custom fit, pre-sloped, high density EPS shower pan. Our pans are designed to work with any positive side waterproofing system, and are easy and quick to install.
Engineered for tile and stone, White Matter ®, our high density EPS, is the perfect substrate for tile and stone. It has a high compressive strength, is light weight, inert, has no food value, and does not promote mold growth.
White Matter ® was designed to be installed by you, but we know sometimes a little help can make the process go more smoothly.
Visit http://customeps.com for the most unique and innovative EPS products the industry has ever seen. Custom made and engineered to be retro-fit for your project. Visit us, and see how your dreams are made.
In 2002 we pioneered the use of expanded polystyrene (EPS) as a substrate for tile and stone, and we are continually designing and testing new and innovative ways to utilize it. Prior to us, it was inconceivable to build tiled showers the way we do. You can now browse over 150 distinct custom shower pans, benches, loungers, ceilings, shelves and buy online at http://customeps.com.
Professional installation | Custom pans, shelves & benches | 1-year installation warranty | 10-year product warranty
Shelves | Benches | Loungers | Corner Mouldings | Ceilings | Custom Pans
To date, we have installed over 2,500 White Matter custom shower pans with no leaks!
The Waterproofing Company's shower solutions allow us to spread our wings and create really cool, innovative showers for our clients. It's nice to know that we can make dream bathrooms and showers a waterproofed-reality!
Thank you for the peace of mind in having our home showers completely waterproofed! Fixing mold damage is costly... I'm glad we made the right call.
@customeps // follow us on twitter where we share project photos and waterproofing tips and tricks